Before It's Too Late

Many factors threaten the very existence of the Asian elephant among the most harmful and rapidly spreading are mining for water and materials, train traffic, palm oil cultivation, and ivory commerce. It seems that at in every direction the elephant has nowhere to turn. Indeed their predicament is dire and we will never shy from providing you the information that you need to understand these harmful human activities.

That said, there is an ever-growing number of individuals, campaigns, and organizations rising up on behalf of the Asian elephant and Nature as a whole. Time will tell but our actions will write the story.

So while “Before it’s too Late” is designed to gather and disseminate substantive information about human-caused threats to elephants, it is also designed to gather information about what you can do individually, and how you can also help others working to end assaults against elephants.

Please check our News & Events page frequently for articles providing current information on activities threatening the Asian elephant as well as the many actions being taken to stop these crimes and to improve chances for elephants.